Joel Lybbert of Barjlhorsetraining will have a 1.5 hour clinic each day at lunch time. Your admission covers this additional clinic!
Admission: $10 per day or $25 for all 3 days
Children 12 & Under get in FREE.
Prepay your $25 3 day admission by February 28th to have your name put into our daily tack and prize giveaways that will happen each day during this event!
This event features four trainers, and four colts. Those four colts will be available to bid via online bidding March 7th and bidding will close March 9th. Would you like to have your breeding program and your colts showcased and sold in this event??
Would you like to become a sponsor?! This event offers such a fantastic opportunity to get your name out there! We couldn’t do it without our sponsors!
Would you like to be considered as a trainer for our 2025 Event? Fill out this form!